Meet the team

This passionate group of young women, collaborate with our youth members to determine the issues they are most concerned about and wish to advocate for. The working group works on approaches and programs that help youth members to have their voices heard on key topics.

Advocacy Working Group

Erin Wicking


Erin is a Unit Leader in Victoria who is a firm believer in the power of girl voices to change the world. Through Girl Guiding she has been fortunate to have many opportunities to help promote girl-led advocacy and is currently the WAGGGS Lead Volunteer for Youth Participation and Advocacy.

Advocacy Working Group

Hannah Woodward


Hannah has been a Girl Guide since she was 10, and has advocated on a local, national and global scale through Guiding. She has a particular interest in children’s rights, justice reform, sustainable development, gender equality, and international human rights mechanisms. Professionally, Hannah works in campaigning and community development from her home on Whadjuk Boodja in Perth. She is currently a unit leader and has led Guiding advocacy projects in WA including Girls Takeover Parliament.

Advocacy Working Group

Laura Ives Hicks


Laura currently holds several positions in Guiding. Locally she is both a unit leader and Olave in Western Australia. To a national level where she is the Assistant Chief Commissioner for Young Women for Girl Guides Australia. She is passionate, about empowering young women to discover their potential as leaders and raising awareness on issues of injustice experienced and faced by women.  These issues include gender inequality, sexual harassment, and the lack of women in leadership and decision-making within state and federal governments.

Advocacy Working Group

Tara Willoughby


Tara lives in Canberra, on Ngunnawal and Ngambri land, with her partner and their pet cockatiel. She enjoys being a unit leader there, walking in nature, writing poetry, reading, and gardening on her balcony. For her, every one of those things naturally leads to and involves advocacy: being part of her community, helping others, and improving the world for everyone. In Guiding, she feels she has found a place where she can add her thoughts, voice and choices, to the massive ‘better world’ mosaic we’re making together.


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