Our Vision

Girl Guides around Australia want to see leadership on environmental issues that puts environmental protection and restoration into action. Locally, and as part of the global community, we will speak out to protect and heal our environment. We want to empower all young people to speak out to create a world which is sustainable and equitable for all people, including generations to come.


Girl Guides in Australia believes that environmental sustainability is one of the most important issues currently facing the planet. The way we approach environmental sustainability right now will impact the life we lead in the future and the opportunities all girls will have.

In Australia, our communities face a growing threat from natural disasters, including bushfires, floods, droughts, and cyclones. These events are becoming more intense and more frequent due to the impacts of climate change. Girls and women have a key role in addressing the environmental challenges facing our country, and in showing environmental leadership in our communities.

Our country has a unique and diverse landscape that is rich in biodiversity and includes many ecosystems, plants and animals found nowhere else on earth. We are an organisation with a focus on outdoors and nature-based activities. We seek to protect, enhance and restore our environment and to make changes to address key environmental impacts within our control.

Girl Guides Say

Girl Guides are very concerned about issues such as;

  • Human induced climate change
  • Habitat loss, clearing and threats to biodiversity
  • Litter, pollution and plastic waste
  • Caring for our oceans, bushland and rivers
  • Creating green spaces in our homes and communities

As well as wanting to take action themselves, Girl Guides want to see their community, the government and the nation taking action to create a better future.

Many girls and young people experience a very real and serious anxiety about the future of the environment and the planet, and about the world they are inheriting.

Results from a survey conducted at the 2023 Australian Jamboree found that when Girl Guides were asked what would make Australia a better place, the majority of answers focused on improvements in the environment such as less pollution, greener future, better environmental awareness, more trees and no more bush fires.

“Stop focusing on unnecessary things and actually complete the goals that were set by the government e.g. the carbon free by 2030” – Kimberly, 13

Why are Girl Guides in Australia commenting?

As Guides, we have promised to serve our communities and our country. As part of the Guide Law, we are committed to making changes for a better world. That includes seeking to protect, enhance and restore our environment and our planet.

Girls and young women are disproportionately affected by climate change and environmental degradation because they are more likely to live in poverty, they have less access to basic human rights and they face systematic violence and dis-engagement from education opportunities that gets worse during times of instability, like natural disasters.

At times, we can feel overwhelmed and anxious about the environmental threats we see around and in front of us. However we have the ability to engage in meaningful actions and create a better future for ourselves, the people we love, and everyone around the world.

What Girl Guides are doing

We are enabling all Girl Guides to be confident and empowered to take a stand, speak out, and take action about climate action and environmental sustainability in their own communities, and on a national and international stage.

In their Local Communities

Through Girl Guide programs, girls build their understanding of the natural environment through outdoor activities. As a result of our activities Guides build an understanding of the personal actions they can take to protect the environment and undertake environmental projects in their local communities.

Across the Country

Each year, hundreds of Girl Guides across the country take part in community and WAGGGS led activities such as Clean Up Australia Day, Earth Hour, Youth & United Nations Global Alliance Badges and more, working to build a better world and be better citizens.

Speaking Out Globally

Each year when world leaders meet to discuss climate change at Conference of the Parties, a team of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are there to speak out on behalf of 8.9 million girls in 153 countries.

Call to Action

We need to see action on these key issues:
  • Climate change – with a focus on advocacy for communities impacted by climate change and supporting national action on climate change responses;
  • Biodiversity – with a focus on supporting and promoting actions and programs that protect habitat and native plants and animals, and restore our local ecosystems;
  • Litter and plastic waste – with a focus on what we as an organisation (nationally and locally) can do to reduce our environmental impacts, as well as advocacy to encourage governments and businesses to reduce the amount of waste produced; and
  • Caring for country – with a focus on empowering our girls to take action and show leadership in their own communities, and to be the change they want to see in the world.

Decision Makers should:

  • Make decisions and enact policies which will meaningfully address girls’ concerns, and take action on climate change, biodiversity, waste and other environmental priorities.
  • Support girls and young women to participate directly in decision making on environmental issues and to speak up about their concerns and their ideas for a better world.

Girl Guides should:  

  • Experience and connect with nature and learn about the need for environmental protection
  • Take the lead in advocating for climate justice and environmental action

Everyone should: 

  • Develop and expand partnerships to address environmental problems, such as climate change, declining biodiversity, and litter/waste,
Supporting Research

Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes: report of the Secretary-General. UN. Secretary-General, January 2022.

Climate Concerns and Young People’s Mental Health: Findings from the 2022 Mission Australia Youth Survey.


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