Ready to explore the world?

Girl Guides Australia international travel opportunities offer unique experiences that will help you explore the globe, create lasting memories, develop new skills, and form lifelong friendships with Girl Guides/Girl Scouts from around the world. Not to mention an opportunity to broaden your horizons and become a true global citizen.

International Adventures

2025 is going to be a great year for Youth and Adult members to travel overseas. Watch this space for more exciting adventures.

Swiss Splendour: Geneva’s Culture and Alpine Escape

Dates:  January 2026
Location:  Our Chalet and Geneva, Switzerland

Escape the Australian summer heat and experience the magic of winter in the Swiss Alps.

Applications will open in 2025

Find out more…


WAGGGS Opportunities

As a Girl Guide in Australia, you are a member of a worldwide movement of over 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from over 150 countries in 5 regions.

Each Region has a world centre. Find out more here World Centres Website.

Girl Guides in Australia have the opportunity to volunteer at these world centres find out more about current opportunities here.

For information about joining the WAGGGS Volunteer Pool click here.

Find out more about the some of the WAGGGS Member Organisation countries with the Guides Go Globetrotting program resources.

WAGGGS Seminars

Every year GGA facilitates applications from Girl Guides in Australia to attend international seminars.

Juliette Low Seminar

The Juliette Low Seminar is an annual leadership development program that empowers an international network of girls and young women to be empathetic global citizens who value different perspectives and celebrate diversity.

Dates: October 2024
Location: three incredible World Centres—@Kusafiri, @Sangam and @Nuestra Cabaña.

Read more…

Helen Storrow Seminar

The Helen Storrow Seminar is an annual international leadership development event hosted at Our Chalet in Switzerland. This seminar focuses on leadership, environmental issues, and social change, with a special emphasis on climate justice advocacy.

Dates: 1-8 February 2025
Location: Our Chalet, Switzerland

Read more…

Global Advocacy Champions

Global Advocacy champions are renowned for their interest, knowledge and passion for gender equality and sustainable development – issues relating to girls and women, specifically the thematic priorities for WAGGGS, such as gender-based violence, climate change, digital safety and access, body confidence, STEM and informal education etc.

The 69th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global policy-making body dedicated exclusively to gender equality and the advancement of women. Every year, representatives of UN Member States gather at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

All Global Advocacy Champions will engage at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) virtually. A small number will travel to New York to take part in person, representing the voices of 10 million girls and young women at CSW69 in March 2025.

Congratulations to Claire-Marie Pepper who has been selected aa a WAGGGS Global Advocacy Champion and endorsed as Australian delegate for the 69th Commission for the Status of Women (CSW).

At the end of her term as a Global Advocacy Champion Claire-Marie will complete an advocacy project for use in Australia.

Dates: March 2025

Location: United Nations Headquarters in New York


This is just the beginning of your advocacy journey. You get new information, knowledge and experience, but it’s what you will do next.”   Yelyzaveta Martsyn, Global Advocacy Champion 2024

Girl Guides Australia Travel Update - Effective 1 June 2023

International travel may resume to approved Girl Guiding events (including camps and jamborees) by Youth Members, Adult Members, contingents and individuals, subject to the requirements set out below and all usual risk management considerations:

  • Travel insurance is a requirement to attend events overseas which the Traveller is to obtain themselves. Travellers take full responsibility for meeting all expenses not covered by their travel insurance including any costs relating to requirements to quarantine.
  • Travellers must meet all requirements for the country they are visiting and for returning to Australia.
  • Travellers should travel by the most direct route and only transit through other countries where direct flights are not available.
  • Travellers are to register their travel plans by emailing the National Coordinator – International at in advance, including confirmation that they have all relevant vaccines as recommended by their medical adviser.

The above requirements continue to also apply to adults travelling to World Centres (which resumed from 1 June 2022) and Adult Members volunteering at World Centres (which resumed from 1 July 2022). There are no remaining general restrictions on travel imposed by GGA arising from the COVID-19 pandemic other than as set out above.

The National Coordinator – International will consider a range of matters related to COVID-19 in deciding whether to approve the advertisement of international events, the formation of international contingents and group international travel applications including:

  • requirements for vaccination
  • any requirements for insolation or quarantine in the destination countries, and how the risk management planning addresses this risk and
  • Smart Traveller Advisory Levels 1 (Exercise normal precautions) and 2 (Exercise a high degree of caution) only.

Groups or individuals looking to travel in 2023 are encouraged to reach out to the National Coordinator – International ( to ensure that they are kept up to date on any changes to GGA guidance.

Changes may be made to this guidance at short notice if there are changes in government regulations or advice.

Australian Friends of the World Centres (FOWC)

The FOWC aims to support the World Centres by encouraging visits to the Centres and financial donations.

Friends of the World Centres


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