Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct For Girl Guides Australia and State Girl Guide Organisations
This Code of Conduct sets the standards of behaviour expected of all adults participating in Girl Guiding in Australia. It is designed to ensure that all adult members, volunteers and employees of Girl Guides Australia (GGA) and State Girl Guide Organisations are aware of their obligations and responsibilities.
- Behave in the spirit of The Girl Guide
Promise and Guide Law. - Adhere to the laws of Australia and the policies
and procedures of Girl Guides Australia and my
State Girl Guide Organisation. - Contribute to a safe, friendly environment and
culture in which all people are safe from emotional,
physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. - Treat all people fairly and not tolerate discrimination
of any kind. - Respect other’s rights to privacy and
the confidentiality of their personal
information. - Conduct myself in a manner that a reasonable person
would consider appropriate. - Represent Girl Guiding in the community
in a positive light.
As an adult involved in Girl Guiding in Australia you should adhere to this Code of Conduct.
GGA and State Girl Guide Organisations reserve the right to take action regarding any breach of the Code of Conduct.
Upholding the commitment of Girl Guides Australia to being a safe and friendly organisation for all people, particularly Girl Guide Youth Members I will:
1. Behave in the spirit of the Girl Guide Promise and Guide Law.
Ways I demonstrate this include:
- being accountable for my actions
- speaking to others in an appropriate and respectful manner
- being honest and trustworthy
- trying to do my best, and recognising that everybody else’s best is different
2. Adhere to the laws of Australia and the policies and procedures of Girl Guides Australia and my State Girl Guide Organisation.
Ways I demonstrate this include:
- complying with Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation
- acting in accordance with Girl Guide policies, procedures and frameworks
- acting in accordance with ‘My Child Safe Child Friendly Commitment’.
- acting within authority to fulfil the roles and responsibilities stated in my position description
3. Contribute to a safe, friendly environment and culture in which all people are safe from emotional, physical, verbal and sexual abuse.
Ways I demonstrate this include:
- engaging in safe and healthy relationships with all people
- maintaining clear boundaries at all times
- staying informed and educated of my obligations to report and prevent abuse and or neglect
- listening to Girl Guides, taking what they say seriously and responding appropriately
- reporting any concerns regarding the abuse or neglect of a child or young person
4. Treat all people fairly and not tolerate discrimination of any kind.
Ways I demonstrate this include:
- treating all people with the same respect that I expect in return
- working in a way that promotes acceptance of others and welcoming all people I interact with
- promoting participation of First Nations children and young people and ensuring cultural safety for all
- focusing on people’s strengths, rather than their differences
- having zero tolerance to racism
5. Respect other’s rights to privacy and the confidentiality of their personal information.
Ways I demonstrate this include:
- not talking about others while they are not present, unless my role requires it
- keeping accurate and objective records as required and storing them in a secure place
- not sharing information unless it is necessary to protect the safety of others
6. Conduct myself in a manner that a reasonable person would consider appropriate.
Ways I demonstrate this include:
- using positive and empowering language when engaging with Girl Guides and the broader community
- being mindful of my tone of voice and use encouraging language
- complying with all drug, alcohol and smoking policies
7. Represent Girl Guiding in the community in a positive light.
Ways I demonstrate this include:
- behaving in a manner that empowers girls and young women
- when I am representing Girl Guides only promoting the beliefs and values of Girl Guides, not engaging in any unethical, irresponsible or illegal behaviour
Recognising the conduct of others
We encourage our members, volunteers and employees to recognise members of their team who behave in a way that creates a positive
environment for all.
If you feel someone else’s behaviour is in breach of this Code of Conduct, you are encouraged to address your concerns according to the policy of Girl Guides Australia or the State Girl Guide Organisation as appropriate.