National Coordinator – Olave Program Role

21st November, 2023

Girl Guides Australia is now welcoming applications for the role of National Coordinator, Olave Program.

Coordinating and supporting the ongoing development and growth of the Olave Program, this role is vital to promoting and engaging young women members 18-29 years of age. The National Coordinator works with a range of both volunteers and staff at Girl Guides Australia as well as State representatives from around the country.

Specific requirements:

This person will be a member of a State Girl Guide Organisation and be between 18 and 29 years of age.  They must have an extensive knowledge of the Olave program and knowledge of Girl Guiding in Australia.

Applications are sought from individuals with:

  • enthusiasm for providing a Girl Guiding Program for young women
  • a demonstrated ability to manage self and others while supporting diversity and inclusion
  • a demonstrated ability to take initiative, work autonomously, and lead, as well as be part of a team.

Those interested in applying should contact Trish Manten, GGA CEO, by email –



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