Olave Program Challenges and Awards
There are a number of different challenges and awards that Olaves may choose to work towards during their time in the Olave Program. They provide opportunities to Olaves to challenge themselves in different areas and be recognised for their achievements.
Olave Baden-Powell Award
The Olave Baden-Powell Award is the peak achievement award for Olaves. Using the syllabus, a Plan of Action is developed which is put to a chosen Award Support Group and approved prior to commencing the Award. The Award can be started after turning 18 years and must be completed prior to turning 30, in a minimum of two years and a maximum of six years.
Olave Challenge
The Olave Challenge provides the opportunity to discover more about parts of the Olave Program. Olaves challenge themselves by providing service to the community, as well as undertaking two additional challenges. The Olave Challenge can be started any time after turning 18 years but must be completed before turning 30, and undertaken in a maximum of two years.
Commonwealth Award
This is an award that is open to any Guide or Olave in a WAGGGS Commonwealth country. In Girl Guides Australia, the Commonwealth Award can be completed by any member aged 13-25 years. It includes a variety of different areas to challenge Guides to be their best, and for Olaves this is assessed by an Award Support Group.
Commonwealth Award Application Form
AGP-OP Link Badge
The AGP-OP Link Badge is a great place to start having a better look at what the Olave Program is all about. Specifically designed for youth members moving from being a youth member into the Olave Program, this badge gives participants an experience of each of the Olave Program’s aspects. It explores the Framework fully, but only gives a small taste to begin the Olave Program experience.
The syllabus is split into two parts with Part A requiring completion prior to turning 18 and Part B after turning 18 but before turning 19.
Completing Part A earns a certificate and completing Part B earns the metal AGP-OP Link Badge which can be worn on the badge tab of the Adult uniform.
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is an award for young people aged 14-25 years. The award encourages young people to challenge themselves by experiencing the world around them and developing their full potential through a range of personal and physical activities. There are three different levels: bronze, silver and gold.
The award can be cross credited with Guide awards such as the Olave Baden-Powell Award. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is coordinated in each state by a volunteer Award Coordinator who is appointed by the State Girl Guide Organisation.
Good Service and Long Service Awards
Girl Guides Australia has a number of awards that may be presented at local, state or national level in recognition of good service to Guiding. These include awards such as the Boronia, Banksia, Wattle, Emu and Red Kangaroo. Members of Guiding may nominate any other members for these awards, and Olaves are encouraged to actively consider putting forward nominations for these awards to ensure that all members receive due recognition for their contribution.
Girl Guides Australia also presents Long Service Awards to recognise the length of time someone has been a uniformed adult member.
Full details of these awards are found on Guide Lines.
The WAGGGS Asia-Pacific Region recognises the achievements of Unit Leaders and District/Region/State Managers through the presentation of Leadership Awards.
Inspire Badge
INSPIRE is a one-hour program to be run by Olaves in a Guide Unit during a regular weekly meeting. It provides an introduction to the Olave Program for Guides of any age and facilitates connections between Olaves, Guides and Unit Leaders.
There are four versions of the INSPIRE program – one for 5-6 year-olds, one for 7-9 year-olds, one for 10-13 year-olds and one for 14-17 year-olds.
Very few resources are required. Guides will earn an “I’m Inspired to Become an Olave” badge for their camp blanket or Guide bag. There is a comprehensive package of resources including step by step instructions for each program.