Girl Guides Australia announce next Chief Commissioner
It is with great pleasure that the GGA Board advise that Helen Reid will be the next Chief Commissioner for Girl Guides Australia.
Helen is a long-term Leader with Girl Guides Victoria and has held a range of roles locally and nationally giving her a comprehensive knowledge of Girl Guiding in Australia. Helen is a Director on the Girl Guides Australia Board and the Executive Committee of Girl Guides Victoria. Helen is currently leading the team planning the next Girl Guides Australia Jamboree to be held in Victoria in January 2023. Helen will bring to the role her demonstrated commitment to quality girl-led Guiding; her passion to give girls and young women opportunities to explore, grow and achieve in their worlds; and an appreciation of the important contribution volunteers bring to communities.
Helen has recently completed a PhD in the field of Librarianship and is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Helen will commence in the role of Chief Commissioner on 1 March 2023. Thanks is extended to Rosemary Derwin who has agreed to extend her term as Chief Commissioner until March 2023.
Helen’s appointment is for three years with an opportunity for the Board to extend the role for a further three years as set out in the Constitution.
Kate Alcorso
Girl Guides Australia