Girl Guides Learning : The Australian Guide Program
Girl Guiding in Australia is developed through the Australian Guide Program (AGP). This non-formal education program encompasses everything a girl undertakes as a girl Guide in Australia.
The Australian Guide Program combines 4 elements of Girl Guiding that support the personal development of girls and the 7 fundamentals that underpin the activities and challenges girls undertake as Girl Guides.
The AGP symbol is a Trefoil, on a map of Australia, with the stem of the Trefoil representing self. The leaves, or elements, represent the four areas beyond personal development Girl Guiding offers girls and young women.
Having and understanding and respect for others, developing teamwork and cooperation skills.
A focus on active participation.
Trying new things and learning skills to use in everyday life
Building self-esteem. challenging self, developing own values
The 7 Fundamentals
Building environmental awareness, developing skills to build resilience
Commitment to connect with community service projects
Guiding Traditions
Becoming familiar with guiding history and traditions
World Guiding
Exploring other countries and cultures taking plat in WAGGGS programs and initiatives
Leadership Development
To collaborate as part of a patrol and participate in leadership experiences
Patrol System
Making decision in a group, managing tasks in small groups, participating in shared leadership.
Promise and Law
Developing respect for herself and others. Understanding how to make choices for a better world and give back to the community.